Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: July 2022
Generated 04-Jul-2022 15:03 +03

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2022
Total Hits 2214473
Total Files 2086063
Total Pages 379894
Total Visits 43552
Total KBytes 305407927
Total Unique Sites 14738
Total Unique URLs 61745
Total Unique Referrers 19210
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 23067 49030
Hits per Day 553618 744970
Files per Day 521515 707783
Pages per Day 94973 110345
Sites per Day 3684 6984
Visits per Day 10888 13049
KBytes per Day 76351982 106813308
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.01% 111
Code 200 - OK 94.20% 2086063
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.09% 1923
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 4.48% 99117
Code 302 - Found 0.61% 13494
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.30% 6602
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 39
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.05% 1081
Code 404 - Not Found 0.27% 5985
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.00% 58

Daily usage for July 2022

Daily Statistics for July 2022
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 744970 33.64% 707783 33.93% 109521 28.83% 13049 29.96% 6984 47.39% 106813308 34.97%
2 530257 23.95% 494081 23.68% 110345 29.05% 11930 27.39% 5687 38.59% 51352215 16.81%
3 539396 24.36% 505151 24.22% 100231 26.38% 11349 26.06% 6245 42.37% 67231313 22.01%
4 399850 18.06% 379048 18.17% 59797 15.74% 7486 17.19% 4329 29.37% 80011091 26.20%

Hourly usage for July 2022

Hourly Statistics for July 2022
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 19358 77435 3.50% 18151 72605 3.48% 3613 14455 3.81% 2025272 8101089 2.65%
1 16883 67532 3.05% 15539 62159 2.98% 4330 17321 4.56% 1365677 5462708 1.79%
2 14348 57394 2.59% 12900 51603 2.47% 4047 16188 4.26% 824870 3299480 1.08%
3 13565 54260 2.45% 12333 49333 2.36% 3694 14779 3.89% 720140 2880562 0.94%
4 15265 61063 2.76% 13880 55521 2.66% 3899 15599 4.11% 849771 3399082 1.11%
5 17482 69928 3.16% 16127 64509 3.09% 4184 16736 4.41% 1552086 6208346 2.03%
6 19723 78895 3.56% 18304 73219 3.51% 4019 16078 4.23% 3012704 12050815 3.95%
7 22330 89321 4.03% 20804 83216 3.99% 4268 17075 4.49% 3077765 12311060 4.03%
8 26096 104386 4.71% 24511 98047 4.70% 4589 18356 4.83% 3949420 15797679 5.17%
9 29880 119523 5.40% 28299 113199 5.43% 4374 17497 4.61% 4653755 18615020 6.10%
10 34540 138160 6.24% 32855 131423 6.30% 5128 20514 5.40% 5583467 22333867 7.31%
11 32465 129862 5.86% 30931 123727 5.93% 4539 18157 4.78% 5018077 20072310 6.57%
12 36419 145677 6.58% 34896 139587 6.69% 4869 19477 5.13% 5764290 23057159 7.55%
13 36566 146267 6.61% 34953 139815 6.70% 4489 17956 4.73% 7396166 29584664 9.69%
14 27977 111910 5.05% 26667 106671 5.11% 4302 17211 4.53% 4740983 18963932 6.21%
15 25556 102225 4.62% 24403 97615 4.68% 3401 13604 3.58% 3628489 14513956 4.75%
16 21584 86336 3.90% 20466 81866 3.92% 3472 13891 3.66% 3299476 13197904 4.32%
17 20271 81086 3.66% 19211 76846 3.68% 3179 12716 3.35% 2895911 11583643 3.79%
18 21072 84291 3.81% 19672 78691 3.77% 3749 14999 3.95% 2698539 10794157 3.53%
19 19650 78603 3.55% 18609 74436 3.57% 3380 13521 3.56% 2584359 10337436 3.38%
20 20204 80817 3.65% 19114 76459 3.67% 3237 12949 3.41% 2668867 10675468 3.50%
21 20898 83594 3.77% 19700 78802 3.78% 3704 14819 3.90% 2671094 10684376 3.50%
22 20564 82259 3.71% 19452 77811 3.73% 3082 12329 3.25% 2850107 11400427 3.73%
23 20912 83649 3.78% 19725 78903 3.78% 3416 13667 3.60% 2520697 10082788 3.30%

Top 30 of 61745 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 19295 0.87% 1657461 0.54% /bitrix/js/main/core/core.min.js
2 18539 0.84% 231316 0.08% /bitrix/templates/vitbichi_copy/js/owl.carousel.min.js
3 18524 0.84% 110837 0.04% /bitrix/templates/vitbichi_copy/js/jquery.formstyler.min.js
4 18507 0.84% 239944 0.08% /bitrix/templates/vitbichi_copy/js/isotope.js
5 18477 0.83% 54092 0.02% /bitrix/templates/vitbichi_copy/js/maskedinput.js
6 18430 0.83% 58763 0.02% /bitrix/js/main/core/core_fx.min.js
7 18420 0.83% 74754 0.02% /bitrix/templates/vitbichi_copy/js/packery.js
8 18410 0.83% 124570 0.04% /bitrix/templates/vitbichi_copy/js/script.js
9 18403 0.83% 411544 0.13% /bitrix/js/ui/dexie/dist/dexie.bitrix.bundle.min.js
10 18365 0.83% 5643 0.00% /bitrix/templates/vitbichi_copy/js/tabs.js
11 18341 0.83% 40731 0.01% /bitrix/templates/vitbichi_copy/js/rotate.js
12 18337 0.83% 72004 0.02% /bitrix/js/main/core/core_frame_cache.min.js
13 18313 0.83% 98357 0.03% /bitrix/templates/vitbichi_copy/js/jscrollpane.js
14 18174 0.82% 6061 0.00% /bitrix/js/main/polyfill/customevent/main.polyfill.customevent.min.js
15 18167 0.82% 24690 0.01% /bitrix/templates/vitbichi_copy/js/mousewheel.js
16 18162 0.82% 39715 0.01% /bitrix/js/main/core/core_ls.min.js
17 16102 0.73% 136882 0.04% /bitrix/templates/vitbichi_copy/js/jquery.magnific-popup.min.js
18 15788 0.71% 598715 0.20% /bitrix/js/main/jquery/jquery-1.8.3.min.js
19 14114 0.64% 1903546 0.62% /news/
20 13293 0.60% 602570 0.20% /bitrix/cache/css/s1/vitbichi_copy/template_fe29f7f0ff3eede21e7dbb478f9932f1/template_fe29f7f0ff3eede21e7dbb478f9932f1_v1.css
21 12659 0.57% 11183 0.00% /bitrix/js/main/core/css/core.min.css
22 11098 0.50% 70626 0.02% /cache/upload/iblock/806/80682cc5abe5fdc1e6a693739db5d5e9-120x80.jpeg
23 10257 0.46% 2241966 0.73% /
24 9930 0.45% 597141 0.20% /photo/05-2022/Потолки.jpeg
25 9831 0.44% 61158 0.02% /cache/upload/iblock/e7e/e7e15e4263b4f2baa696175f9211cb6f-120x80.jpeg
26 9098 0.41% 175747 0.06% /bitrix/js/main/core/core_window.min.js
27 8871 0.40% 99632 0.03% /bitrix/js/fileman/light_editor/le_toolbarbuttons.js
28 8787 0.40% 71965 0.02% /bitrix/js/fileman/light_editor/le_dialogs.js
29 8765 0.40% 12061 0.00% /bitrix/js/main/loader/dist/loader.bundle.min.js
30 8719 0.39% 71518 0.02% /bitrix/templates/vitbichi_copy/components/bitrix/

Top 10 of 61745 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 10257 0.46% 2241966 0.73% /
2 14114 0.64% 1903546 0.62% /news/
3 19295 0.87% 1657461 0.54% /bitrix/js/main/core/core.min.js
4 13293 0.60% 602570 0.20% /bitrix/cache/css/s1/vitbichi_copy/template_fe29f7f0ff3eede21e7dbb478f9932f1/template_fe29f7f0ff3eede21e7dbb478f9932f1_v1.css
5 15788 0.71% 598715 0.20% /bitrix/js/main/jquery/jquery-1.8.3.min.js
6 9930 0.45% 597141 0.20% /photo/05-2022/Потолки.jpeg
7 3238 0.15% 489785 0.16% /feed/yandex.php
8 158 0.01% 442806 0.14% /bitrix/admin/iblock_element_admin.php
9 3115 0.14% 440748 0.14% /news/proisshestviya/
10 18403 0.83% 411544 0.13% /bitrix/js/ui/dexie/dist/dexie.bitrix.bundle.min.js

Top 10 of 5568 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 10257 0.46% 3950 9.32% /
2 3232 0.15% 2629 6.21% /fotonews/post54849.html
3 14114 0.64% 2293 5.41% /news/
4 1258 0.06% 1116 2.63% /news/obshchestvo/socium/post54599.html
5 1466 0.07% 805 1.90% /fotonews/post54875.html
6 2022 0.09% 767 1.81% /forum/messages/forum3/topic4552/message106207/
7 3115 0.14% 731 1.73% /news/proisshestviya/
8 2261 0.10% 583 1.38% /forum/messages/forum3/topic4552/message15941/
9 2366 0.11% 539 1.27% /news/sport/
10 2104 0.10% 483 1.14% /news/politika/

Top 10 of 7370 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 10257 0.46% 2840 6.70% /
2 3232 0.15% 2623 6.19% /fotonews/post54849.html
3 3952 0.18% 2383 5.62% /bitrix/tools/captcha.php
4 14114 0.64% 2349 5.54% /news/
5 1466 0.07% 815 1.92% /fotonews/post54875.html
6 3115 0.14% 669 1.58% /news/proisshestviya/
7 2366 0.11% 520 1.23% /news/sport/
8 1614 0.07% 463 1.09% /news/obshchestvo/
9 1332 0.06% 462 1.09% /news/obsudim/
10 1101 0.05% 451 1.06% /news/religiya/

Top 30 of 14738 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 140025 6.32% 139175 6.67% 6717879 2.20% 2 0.00%
2 121850 5.50% 121151 5.81% 5763410 1.89% 2 0.00%
3 72928 3.29% 72572 3.48% 2022698 0.66% 2 0.00%
4 44886 2.03% 44676 2.14% 1138981 0.37% 2 0.00%
5 31105 1.40% 31066 1.49% 4799818 1.57% 41 0.09%
6 16357 0.74% 0 0.00% 2588 0.00% 2 0.00%
7 13456 0.61% 13348 0.64% 950092 0.31% 1 0.00%
8 12832 0.58% 12743 0.61% 360140 0.12% 39 0.09%
9 11111 0.50% 7020 0.34% 1008057 0.33% 1 0.00%
10 8507 0.38% 8203 0.39% 1203951 0.39% 3 0.01%
11 7560 0.34% 7516 0.36% 484262 0.16% 1 0.00%
12 7197 0.32% 5709 0.27% 699777 0.23% 85 0.20%
13 6546 0.30% 6481 0.31% 1160321 0.38% 12 0.03%
14 6541 0.30% 6391 0.31% 1072330 0.35% 2 0.00%
15 5211 0.24% 4882 0.23% 600888 0.20% 1 0.00%
16 5126 0.23% 4581 0.22% 606067 0.20% 6 0.01%
17 4913 0.22% 4374 0.21% 574663 0.19% 6 0.01%
18 4568 0.21% 4439 0.21% 578236 0.19% 6 0.01%
19 4542 0.21% 3028 0.15% 541400 0.18% 3 0.01%
20 4498 0.20% 356 0.02% 51677 0.02% 2 0.00%
21 3574 0.16% 3550 0.17% 233230 0.08% 1 0.00%
22 3461 0.16% 1686 0.08% 220166 0.07% 18 0.04%
23 3410 0.15% 3344 0.16% 591111 0.19% 2 0.00%
24 3285 0.15% 3281 0.16% 43646 0.01% 40 0.09%
25 3240 0.15% 3171 0.15% 589415 0.19% 2 0.00%
26 3179 0.14% 3172 0.15% 43911 0.01% 16 0.04%
27 3144 0.14% 3143 0.15% 40911 0.01% 43 0.10%
28 3124 0.14% 3124 0.15% 39400 0.01% 36 0.08%
29 3110 0.14% 3105 0.15% 37567 0.01% 33 0.08%
30 3075 0.14% 3073 0.15% 38554 0.01% 33 0.08%

Top 10 of 14738 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 140025 6.32% 139175 6.67% 6717879 2.20% 2 0.00%
2 121850 5.50% 121151 5.81% 5763410 1.89% 2 0.00%
3 31105 1.40% 31066 1.49% 4799818 1.57% 41 0.09%
4 72928 3.29% 72572 3.48% 2022698 0.66% 2 0.00%
5 8507 0.38% 8203 0.39% 1203951 0.39% 3 0.01%
6 6546 0.30% 6481 0.31% 1160321 0.38% 12 0.03%
7 44886 2.03% 44676 2.14% 1138981 0.37% 2 0.00%
8 6541 0.30% 6391 0.31% 1072330 0.35% 2 0.00%
9 11111 0.50% 7020 0.34% 1008057 0.33% 1 0.00%
10 13456 0.61% 13348 0.64% 950092 0.31% 1 0.00%

Top 30 of 19210 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 526619 23.78% - (Direct Request)
2 330085 14.91%
3 153755 6.94%
4 149469 6.75%
5 123413 5.57%
6 70748 3.19%
7 36183 1.63%
8 30239 1.37%
9 16139 0.73%
10 15416 0.70%
11 14498 0.65%
12 13982 0.63%
13 13613 0.61%
14 13245 0.60%
15 13061 0.59%
16 12917 0.58%
17 12700 0.57%
18 12546 0.57%
19 12248 0.55%
20 11348 0.51%
21 11236 0.51%
22 11219 0.51%
23 10691 0.48%
24 10647 0.48%
25 10082 0.46%
26 10026 0.45%
27 9443 0.43%
28 9313 0.42%
29 8896 0.40%
30 8643 0.39%

Top 10 of 10 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 10 22.73% акция
2 8 18.18% А1
3 8 18.18% мобильная связь
4 6 13.64% сотовая связь
5 6 13.64% телефон
6 2 4.55% витьбичи вгмк
7 1 2.27% ДОСААФ Витебской области июнь новости
8 1 2.27% День независимости витебск
9 1 2.27% Лисовский Федор
10 1 2.27% чемпионате Беларуси среди ветеранов парашютного спорта в Витебске

Usage by Country for July 2022

Top 30 of 104 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 909804 41.08% 875083 41.95% 46040243 15.07% Commercial (com)
2 900690 40.67% 891851 42.75% 235544151 77.12% Belarus
3 135514 6.12% 106403 5.10% 7774397 2.55% Russian Federation
4 66549 3.01% 38883 1.86% 4932276 1.61% United States
5 35544 1.61% 30389 1.46% 2153994 0.71% Network (net)
6 30473 1.38% 22751 1.09% 1719740 0.56% Unresolved/Unknown
7 25972 1.17% 25570 1.23% 613232 0.20% Ukraine
8 15726 0.71% 11506 0.55% 288671 0.09% Norway
9 11323 0.51% 9475 0.45% 1255023 0.41% Germany
10 8294 0.37% 8277 0.40% 208742 0.07% Kazakhstan
11 6859 0.31% 5076 0.24% 460292 0.15% Lithuania
12 6466 0.29% 4427 0.21% 582193 0.19% European Union
13 4039 0.18% 4035 0.19% 250052 0.08% Uzbekistan
14 3670 0.17% 3569 0.17% 502805 0.16% China
15 3350 0.15% 3220 0.15% 367129 0.12% Israel
16 3146 0.14% 2517 0.12% 404967 0.13% France
17 2497 0.11% 2494 0.12% 30233 0.01% Bulgaria
18 2486 0.11% 2453 0.12% 570022 0.19% Netherlands
19 2446 0.11% 2444 0.12% 26303 0.01% Brazil
20 2431 0.11% 2429 0.12% 122959 0.04% Georgia
21 2381 0.11% 2373 0.11% 455486 0.15% Poland
22 2108 0.10% 1963 0.09% 41212 0.01% Romania
23 1934 0.09% 1933 0.09% 23745 0.01% Turkey
24 1881 0.08% 1881 0.09% 20944 0.01% Viet Nam
25 1838 0.08% 1838 0.09% 19849 0.01% Armenia
26 1693 0.08% 1183 0.06% 91148 0.03% Great Britain (UK)
27 1687 0.08% 1687 0.08% 19100 0.01% Moldova
28 1543 0.07% 1543 0.07% 17340 0.01% Kyrgyzstan
29 1430 0.06% 1285 0.06% 253981 0.08% Montenegro
30 1332 0.06% 1332 0.06% 17157 0.01% Address Routing (arpa)

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23