Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: October 2021
Generated 01-Nov-2021 00:02 +03

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2021
Total Hits 13977308
Total Files 13276646
Total Pages 2787955
Total Visits 321798
Total KBytes 487817140
Total Unique Sites 66656
Total Unique URLs 157954
Total Unique Referrers 19739
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 29119 82689
Hits per Day 698865 816963
Files per Day 663832 777916
Pages per Day 139397 240858
Sites per Day 3332 9638
Visits per Day 16089 18316
KBytes per Day 24390857 42076025
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.01% 781
Code 200 - OK 94.99% 13276646
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.03% 3770
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 3.95% 551688
Code 302 - Found 0.03% 4289
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.63% 87847
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 663
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.02% 3116
Code 404 - Not Found 0.35% 48500
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 5
Code 502 - Bad Gateway 0.00% 3

Daily usage for October 2021

Daily Statistics for October 2021
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
12 430858 3.08% 410443 3.09% 101717 3.65% 10099 3.14% 6081 9.12% 21604206 4.43%
13 780859 5.59% 746096 5.62% 240858 8.64% 17522 5.45% 8177 12.27% 34438036 7.06%
14 816963 5.84% 777916 5.86% 209967 7.53% 18091 5.62% 9638 14.46% 41939026 8.60%
15 811569 5.81% 774785 5.84% 160492 5.76% 18316 5.69% 8106 12.16% 42076025 8.63%
16 577419 4.13% 541036 4.08% 127035 4.56% 16148 5.02% 7219 10.83% 22158319 4.54%
17 566079 4.05% 532460 4.01% 121127 4.34% 16073 4.99% 7028 10.54% 20466940 4.20%
18 767606 5.49% 729625 5.50% 131670 4.72% 16508 5.13% 7905 11.86% 29739530 6.10%
19 784458 5.61% 748605 5.64% 128753 4.62% 16714 5.19% 8082 12.12% 26161582 5.36%
20 773196 5.53% 736890 5.55% 120801 4.33% 15965 4.96% 8144 12.22% 24762862 5.08%
21 717801 5.14% 681980 5.14% 126679 4.54% 17222 5.35% 7822 11.73% 22469546 4.61%
22 733259 5.25% 694780 5.23% 130623 4.69% 17559 5.46% 7718 11.58% 21207439 4.35%
23 659564 4.72% 626262 4.72% 124038 4.45% 16190 5.03% 7226 10.84% 19244666 3.95%
24 672916 4.81% 640701 4.83% 126437 4.54% 15672 4.87% 7103 10.66% 18877029 3.87%
25 786921 5.63% 747747 5.63% 154529 5.54% 16267 5.06% 8412 12.62% 25526432 5.23%
26 753982 5.39% 717948 5.41% 129397 4.64% 15199 4.72% 8347 12.52% 22502059 4.61%
27 776227 5.55% 740840 5.58% 124076 4.45% 15830 4.92% 8336 12.51% 21864838 4.48%
28 745073 5.33% 708824 5.34% 137052 4.92% 16561 5.15% 8274 12.41% 21360419 4.38%
29 687370 4.92% 651575 4.91% 139184 4.99% 16177 5.03% 7228 10.84% 19647796 4.03%
30 555551 3.97% 521593 3.93% 135667 4.87% 15403 4.79% 6149 9.22% 16168406 3.31%
31 579637 4.15% 546540 4.12% 117853 4.23% 16265 5.05% 7208 10.81% 15601983 3.20%

Hourly usage for October 2021

Hourly Statistics for October 2021
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 21352 427048 3.06% 20076 401529 3.02% 5410 108210 3.88% 741946 14838930 3.04%
1 20088 401762 2.87% 18803 376061 2.83% 5170 103401 3.71% 588305 11766102 2.41%
2 18394 367898 2.63% 17132 342658 2.58% 5222 104450 3.75% 535957 10719141 2.20%
3 17376 347527 2.49% 16168 323360 2.44% 4955 99118 3.56% 499329 9986573 2.05%
4 17924 358495 2.56% 16677 333558 2.51% 4805 96112 3.45% 487332 9746647 2.00%
5 18757 375150 2.68% 17506 350129 2.64% 4954 99080 3.55% 531195 10623905 2.18%
6 20317 406346 2.91% 19054 381092 2.87% 5137 102744 3.69% 589441 11788820 2.42%
7 22976 459525 3.29% 21701 434037 3.27% 4960 99213 3.56% 732405 14648096 3.00%
8 31502 630054 4.51% 30060 601204 4.53% 5411 108230 3.88% 1037399 20747981 4.25%
9 34240 684800 4.90% 32743 654877 4.93% 5800 116004 4.16% 1114644 22292882 4.57%
10 36594 731898 5.24% 34926 698522 5.26% 6039 120790 4.33% 1283131 25662622 5.26%
11 39096 781927 5.59% 37471 749432 5.64% 6097 121940 4.37% 1327861 26557227 5.44%
12 36645 732900 5.24% 35050 701000 5.28% 5985 119713 4.29% 1236023 24720461 5.07%
13 34557 691158 4.94% 32908 658170 4.96% 6241 124824 4.48% 1247481 24949629 5.11%
14 38419 768387 5.50% 36604 732085 5.51% 7274 145481 5.22% 1576375 31527509 6.46%
15 38886 777725 5.56% 37122 742454 5.59% 7149 142985 5.13% 1642947 32858944 6.74%
16 36844 736885 5.27% 35329 706590 5.32% 6370 127411 4.57% 1412082 28241643 5.79%
17 31086 621725 4.45% 29555 591106 4.45% 6156 123137 4.42% 1110526 22210518 4.55%
18 30169 603393 4.32% 28680 573608 4.32% 5991 119823 4.30% 1090192 21803845 4.47%
19 32309 646181 4.62% 30806 616127 4.64% 6226 124525 4.47% 1126090 22521798 4.62%
20 32938 658772 4.71% 31396 627927 4.73% 6058 121177 4.35% 1250000 25000009 5.12%
21 33623 672474 4.81% 32154 643091 4.84% 6365 127318 4.57% 1284332 25686632 5.27%
22 28926 578537 4.14% 27495 549904 4.14% 5859 117187 4.20% 1043301 20866014 4.28%
23 25837 516741 3.70% 24406 488125 3.68% 5754 115082 4.13% 902561 18051211 3.70%

Top 30 of 157954 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 169470 1.21% 5953957 1.22% /akcii/
2 152778 1.09% 3656673 0.75% /news/
3 96540 0.69% 14473486 2.97% /bitrix/js/main/core/core.js
4 82271 0.59% 3716077 0.76% /bitrix/cache/css/s1/vitbichi_copy/template_fe29f7f0ff3eede21e7dbb478f9932f1/template_fe29f7f0ff3eede21e7dbb478f9932f1_v1.css
5 80939 0.58% 3052308 0.63% /bitrix/js/main/jquery/jquery-1.8.3.min.js
6 80905 0.58% 176363 0.04% /bitrix/js/main/core/core_ls.min.js
7 80225 0.57% 24720 0.01% /bitrix/templates/vitbichi_copy/js/tabs.js
8 79988 0.57% 993999 0.20% /bitrix/templates/vitbichi_copy/js/owl.carousel.min.js
9 79921 0.57% 1778344 0.36% /bitrix/js/ui/dexie/dist/dexie.bitrix.bundle.min.js
10 79710 0.57% 308859 0.06% /bitrix/js/main/core/core_frame_cache.min.js
11 79620 0.57% 253185 0.05% /bitrix/js/main/core/core_fx.min.js
12 79526 0.57% 26562 0.01% /bitrix/js/main/polyfill/customevent/main.polyfill.customevent.min.js
13 79445 0.57% 1027513 0.21% /bitrix/templates/vitbichi_copy/js/isotope.js
14 79217 0.57% 175853 0.04% /bitrix/templates/vitbichi_copy/js/rotate.js
15 79161 0.57% 534919 0.11% /bitrix/templates/vitbichi_copy/js/script.js
16 78938 0.56% 320080 0.07% /bitrix/templates/vitbichi_copy/js/packery.js
17 78894 0.56% 230958 0.05% /bitrix/templates/vitbichi_copy/js/maskedinput.js
18 78884 0.56% 423168 0.09% /bitrix/templates/vitbichi_copy/js/jscrollpane.js
19 78860 0.56% 107148 0.02% /bitrix/templates/vitbichi_copy/js/mousewheel.js
20 78828 0.56% 470345 0.10% /bitrix/templates/vitbichi_copy/js/jquery.formstyler.min.js
21 78807 0.56% 669028 0.14% /bitrix/templates/vitbichi_copy/js/jquery.magnific-popup.min.js
22 78803 0.56% 69588 0.01% /bitrix/js/main/core/css/core.min.css
23 66566 0.48% 4040031 0.83% /
24 50934 0.36% 982503 0.20% /bitrix/js/main/core/core_window.min.js
25 50323 0.36% 13804 0.00% /bitrix/js/main/pageobject/pageobject.min.js
26 49810 0.36% 209939 0.04% /bitrix/panel/main/popup.min.css
27 49678 0.36% 746827 0.15% /bitrix/js/main/popup/dist/main.popup.bundle.min.js
28 49669 0.36% 137334 0.03% /bitrix/cache/css/s1/vitbichi_copy/kernel_fileman/kernel_fileman_v1.css
29 49396 0.35% 12898 0.00% /bitrix/js/ui/fonts/opensans/ui.font.opensans.min.css
30 48987 0.35% 680453 0.14% /bitrix/js/main/core/css/core_viewer.min.css

Top 10 of 157954 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 96540 0.69% 14473486 2.97% /bitrix/js/main/core/core.js
2 169470 1.21% 5953957 1.22% /akcii/
3 66566 0.48% 4040031 0.83% /
4 82271 0.59% 3716077 0.76% /bitrix/cache/css/s1/vitbichi_copy/template_fe29f7f0ff3eede21e7dbb478f9932f1/template_fe29f7f0ff3eede21e7dbb478f9932f1_v1.css
5 152778 1.09% 3656673 0.75% /news/
6 80939 0.58% 3052308 0.63% /bitrix/js/main/jquery/jquery-1.8.3.min.js
7 18619 0.13% 2419167 0.50% /feed/yandex.php
8 36758 0.26% 2407611 0.49% /bitrix/js/ui/fonts/opensans/opensans-regular.woff
9 79921 0.57% 1778344 0.36% /bitrix/js/ui/dexie/dist/dexie.bitrix.bundle.min.js
10 902 0.01% 1199718 0.25% /turbo_news.php

Top 10 of 27998 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 152778 1.09% 35578 11.30% /news/
2 66566 0.48% 24992 7.93% /
3 27752 0.20% 4315 1.37% /news/proisshestviya/
4 16941 0.12% 3618 1.15% /news/obshchestvo/
5 20514 0.15% 3580 1.14% /news/sport/
6 19575 0.14% 3562 1.13% /news/politika/
7 15199 0.11% 3244 1.03% /news/dom_i_semya/
8 19183 0.14% 3230 1.03% /news/kultura/
9 13319 0.10% 3101 0.98% /news/religiya/
10 16103 0.12% 3076 0.98% /news/nauka/

Top 10 of 27599 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 152778 1.09% 34646 10.93% /news/
2 44164 0.32% 22982 7.25% /bitrix/tools/captcha.php
3 66566 0.48% 19194 6.06% /
4 27752 0.20% 3946 1.24% /news/proisshestviya/
5 20514 0.15% 3533 1.11% /news/sport/
6 13319 0.10% 3448 1.09% /news/religiya/
7 16941 0.12% 3303 1.04% /news/obshchestvo/
8 15199 0.11% 3200 1.01% /news/dom_i_semya/
9 19183 0.14% 3165 1.00% /news/kultura/
10 12643 0.09% 3160 1.00% /news/obsudim/

Top 30 of 66656 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 238389 1.71% 216836 1.63% 9470292 1.94% 1 0.00%
2 198076 1.42% 195815 1.47% 6992802 1.43% 2 0.00%
3 172806 1.24% 121874 0.92% 3187711 0.65% 7 0.00%
4 157739 1.13% 152141 1.15% 7324722 1.50% 1 0.00%
5 130864 0.94% 127997 0.96% 5945439 1.22% 1 0.00%
6 130191 0.93% 127075 0.96% 3275312 0.67% 1 0.00%
7 116658 0.83% 114985 0.87% 2571756 0.53% 1 0.00%
8 104124 0.74% 103167 0.78% 2182315 0.45% 1 0.00%
9 101066 0.72% 98700 0.74% 3399096 0.70% 1 0.00%
10 99594 0.71% 96399 0.73% 2765382 0.57% 1 0.00%
11 95751 0.69% 94341 0.71% 3014808 0.62% 1 0.00%
12 93504 0.67% 93400 0.70% 3133106 0.64% 104 0.03%
13 92892 0.66% 91932 0.69% 4439931 0.91% 1 0.00%
14 84080 0.60% 83364 0.63% 2640728 0.54% 1 0.00%
15 78970 0.56% 78493 0.59% 1643402 0.34% 4 0.00%
16 76920 0.55% 76481 0.58% 2398613 0.49% 1 0.00%
17 76814 0.55% 76391 0.58% 1595910 0.33% 5 0.00%
18 75891 0.54% 75457 0.57% 2135971 0.44% 94 0.03%
19 74587 0.53% 71463 0.54% 1976768 0.41% 1 0.00%
20 74003 0.53% 73420 0.55% 3612026 0.74% 3 0.00%
21 73832 0.53% 72728 0.55% 1662136 0.34% 80 0.02%
22 73108 0.52% 71383 0.54% 1566203 0.32% 1 0.00%
23 72672 0.52% 72160 0.54% 3360853 0.69% 4 0.00%
24 72017 0.52% 71667 0.54% 1527281 0.31% 3 0.00%
25 66540 0.48% 66466 0.50% 2230473 0.46% 74 0.02%
26 65492 0.47% 65179 0.49% 1326615 0.27% 10 0.00%
27 62802 0.45% 62029 0.47% 2307813 0.47% 29 0.01%
28 62541 0.45% 62167 0.47% 2794344 0.57% 11 0.00%
29 60612 0.43% 60287 0.45% 2064183 0.42% 1 0.00%
30 58761 0.42% 53857 0.41% 2371865 0.49% 16 0.00%

Top 10 of 66656 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 238389 1.71% 216836 1.63% 9470292 1.94% 1 0.00%
2 50761 0.36% 50585 0.38% 8364040 1.71% 9 0.00%
3 157739 1.13% 152141 1.15% 7324722 1.50% 1 0.00%
4 198076 1.42% 195815 1.47% 6992802 1.43% 2 0.00%
5 130864 0.94% 127997 0.96% 5945439 1.22% 1 0.00%
6 92892 0.66% 91932 0.69% 4439931 0.91% 1 0.00%
7 37747 0.27% 30248 0.23% 3941841 0.81% 463 0.14%
8 51476 0.37% 25680 0.19% 3629875 0.74% 4 0.00%
9 74003 0.53% 73420 0.55% 3612026 0.74% 3 0.00%
10 101066 0.72% 98700 0.74% 3399096 0.70% 1 0.00%

Top 30 of 19739 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 5317569 38.04% - (Direct Request)
2 1031705 7.38%
3 537074 3.84%
4 405719 2.90%
5 246149 1.76%
6 139617 1.00%
7 134450 0.96%
8 129079 0.92%
9 125328 0.90%
10 124455 0.89%
11 121336 0.87%
12 115688 0.83%
13 114559 0.82%
14 114273 0.82%
15 114212 0.82%
16 112193 0.80%
17 111362 0.80%
18 110264 0.79%
19 109352 0.78%
20 107532 0.77%
21 104040 0.74%
22 101216 0.72%
23 92570 0.66%
24 89640 0.64%
25 65560 0.47%
26 57278 0.41%
27 47862 0.34%
28 42969 0.31%
29 41507 0.30%
30 39595 0.28%

Top 20 of 52 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 6 7.89% новости витебск
2 5 6.58% Осень 21 новобранцы 5524
3 3 3.95% Витебская область сильный ветер
4 3 3.95% Криминальные новости витебск вчера
5 3 3.95% день части 5524
6 3 3.95% рапсовое масло польза и вред
7 2 2.63% 16 училище витебск кафе
8 2 2.63%
9 2 2.63% Магнитные бури в докшицах
10 2 2.63% Новости витебск
11 2 2.63% Сколько новобранцов призовут вч 5524
12 2 2.63% лук севок на зиму
13 2 2.63% новости
14 1 1.32% 5524 ВВ МВД рб новобранцы осень
15 1 1.32% 80 лет 19 омбр
16 1 1.32%
17 1 1.32% Афган
18 1 1.32% Воинская часть Заслоново адрес
19 1 1.32% Восстанавливать свидетельство о рождении рб
20 1 1.32% Задержания в Витебске

Usage by Country for October 2021

Top 30 of 152 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 7170281 51.30% 6986618 52.62% 190723384 39.10% Commercial (com)
2 4802311 34.36% 4673438 35.20% 216503021 44.38% Belarus
3 725395 5.19% 629837 4.74% 35886033 7.36% Russian Federation
4 327483 2.34% 175104 1.32% 7929521 1.63% United States
5 194310 1.39% 194077 1.46% 6508436 1.33% Bulgaria
6 188368 1.35% 128007 0.96% 3867584 0.79% Unresolved/Unknown
7 134781 0.96% 121566 0.92% 7141294 1.46% Network (net)
8 94018 0.67% 77632 0.58% 4188982 0.86% Germany
9 55099 0.39% 48277 0.36% 1886616 0.39% Ukraine
10 44463 0.32% 26696 0.20% 2927410 0.60% Kazakhstan
11 36108 0.26% 34080 0.26% 2897430 0.59% European Union
12 26324 0.19% 26312 0.20% 675987 0.14% Latvia
13 23136 0.17% 19032 0.14% 564828 0.12% Lithuania
14 22999 0.16% 22531 0.17% 1087814 0.22% Poland
15 15468 0.11% 14719 0.11% 697116 0.14% Israel
16 13755 0.10% 12657 0.10% 253066 0.05% China
17 8960 0.06% 7456 0.06% 267015 0.05% Great Britain (UK)
18 8835 0.06% 8027 0.06% 298777 0.06% Netherlands
19 8004 0.06% 7216 0.05% 700017 0.14% France
20 4111 0.03% 4096 0.03% 129210 0.03% Moldova
21 3879 0.03% 2366 0.02% 69208 0.01% Romania
22 3811 0.03% 3594 0.03% 106623 0.02% Estonia
23 3594 0.03% 3573 0.03% 108256 0.02% Turks and Caicos Islands
24 3150 0.02% 2728 0.02% 137595 0.03% Czech Republic
25 2967 0.02% 2962 0.02% 111437 0.02% Georgia
26 2722 0.02% 2320 0.02% 44915 0.01% Canada
27 2509 0.02% 2316 0.02% 73213 0.02% Non-Profit (org)
28 2460 0.02% 2430 0.02% 72021 0.01% Address Routing (arpa)
29 2269 0.02% 2096 0.02% 96962 0.02% Sweden
30 2233 0.02% 2201 0.02% 179682 0.04% Uzbekistan

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23